Juventus, Vazquez: “It would be nice to play with Dybala”

The former Palermo player spoke about Serie A, his future, N’Zonzi, and Barcelona

JUVENTUS VAZQUEZ DYBALA / Former Palermo offensive midfielder Franco Vazquez was interviewed by Italian outlet 'TuttoSport' in reference to his adventure in Spain and his objectives for the future. Although he doesn't seem to have nostalgia of Italy, the player also mentioned that he is not ruling options out. Vazquez and Dybala played together for Palermo.

“Me back to Serie A? I cannot rule out any options. However, I can say that life in Seville is good. It is a great club and we play the Champions League as well.

Me together with Dybala again? It would be nice but it's very difficult. Paulo is playing at Juventus and his future will be there. He is loved by fans and he could become the main idol of the club. These are important things for him.

N'ZONZI – I've never spoken to him about Italy. Steven never wanted to leave this club. He is a great midfielder with a great physicality and good touch.

BARCELONA – As always, they love to keep the possession of the ball. Since Neymar's departure, they are playing with a solid 4-4-2. Although they have lost something offensively they are very well balanced on the field. Their defensive line is always protected and compact. Let's say that this Barcelona is a bit more Italian.





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